...And you may ask yourself
- What is that beautiful house? And you may ask yourself - Where does that highway go? And you may ask yourself - Am I right? ...am I wrong? And you may tell yourself - My God!...what have I done? (Talking Heads, 1980)

Nine years ago Mark and I set off on a journey. It was a journey that would embed the children of China into our hearts forever and teach us that God's plan is WAY better than our plan. It has been a journey into faith, obedience and abundant blessings. Over the past nine years we have seen God's hand at work in our lives as we traveled through the wilderness in search of His plan for our lives upon this earth. In April of this year God revealed the next chapter of the Lucas story. Join us as we embark once again on another leg in this Marvelous expedition.

Today was a pretty good day.  Mikey's friend Jake came by and visited him and really made his day.  Mikey was still a little bit out of it but was glad to see his friend. 

Later though, Mikey set out in the wheelchair to check out the rec room for a while and play some Wii.  He really started to look more like himself and began to talk more too.

By dinnertime he was actually goofing around a little bit with his sisters and showing more signs of being his fun self. 

We finally got a BIG smile out of him when the GIANT fortune cookie arrived from his karate instructors.  Zoe was begging to eat it - but Mikey wanted to save it until tomorrow.  I think that was a good idea.
Tomorrow the epidural comes out so we shall see if that smile stays put.  For now, this boy has shown a champion spirit and hasn't complained one bit about anything.  He wants to go home - but who wouldn't when you are hooked up to a kajillion wires and tubes.  He is a great kid and we love, love, love him!

The girls have been pretty tolerant of all this too.  I know it has been hard for them to see Mikey getting all of our attention and Mommy not being home at night.  Thank you girls for hangin' in there and understanding about your brother.  You all deserve big fat squeezy hugs and I can't wait to finally be home to give them to you!!


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